Browse Items (69 total)

Sword World Australasia is a Perth-based company which specialises in creating high quality military swords and accessories. A large number of period swords are available, including many from the medieval period, such as those associated with the…

A close-up digital photograph of a section of the parade at the Balingup Medieval Carnivale. This image features an impromptu sword-fight. Unfortunately for the combatant on horseback, he has no clear height advantage over his opponent on foot. The…

Swordcraft is a live medieval re-enactment roleplaying game in which players wear realistic costumes and fight with realistic-looking weapons made of rubber and foam, and padded arrows. For photographs see the Gallery on their website. The group is…

The Grey Company are an historical re-enactment group based in Perth. They concentrate on the ‘Dark Ages’ or early medieval period and its various peoples, especially Anglo-Saxons, Celts, Normans, Saracens, and Vikings, but they also…

The Order of the Thistle_Western Argus_25 February 1930_p35.pdf
Explaining the establishment of "The Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle” in 1687, this article from the Western Argus first discusses the medieval adoption of the thistle as Scotland’s national emblem. This it dates to the…

A photograph of chain mail being hand-crafted according to the traditional medieval method at the Perth Medieval Fayre. Chain mail is made by interlocking a number of metal rings to form small sections. Each ring is linked through four others and…

VikingBattleship BrisbaneCourier10608.pdf
An article on page 4 of the Brisbane Courier newspaper on July 10, 1908. The article is about the decision to make a Viking battleship (in other articles about the event it is referred to as a Viking Dragon Ship) the centre-piece of a church fête.…
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