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SMH 1934 Fri 1 June Corpus Christi Procession Sydney[1].pdf
The feast of Corpus Christi (Body of Christ) has been held since the 13c. The host, Blessed sacrament, the consecrated body of Christ, is brought outside of its usual place in the sanctuary of the altar and paraded amongst devoted followers and the…

SMH 1930 Fri 20 June Corpus Christi Procession Sydney[1].pdf
The feast of Corpus Christi (Body of Christ) has been held since the 13c. The host, Blessed sacrament, the consecrated body of Christ, is brought outside of its usual place in the sanctuary of the altar and paraded amongst devoted followers and the…

An illustration of a street parade in Collins Street, Melbourne, drawn from the perspective of the Treasury Buildings. Crowds of spectators line the street to watch as a procession of horse-drawn floats and trade banners are paraded along Collins…

A photograph of a camouflaged piece of modern equipment at the Balingup Medieval Carnivale. The painted canvas of medieval-styled stone/brickwork and door cleverly hides a bulky item on a trailer. The theme was continued against the weatherboard…

Members of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) fighting in a tournament known as 'the College Challenge.' The battle depicted in these images was fought between members from both St. Basil (UWA) and St. Lazarus (Murdoch). In Perth, Western …

Image of hand-made centrally supported one-sided banners at the Society for Creative Anachronism's College Challenge between St. Basil (UWA) and St. Lazarus (Murdoch University). The event was held on the 19th of December, 2010 at the UWA campus. …

An image of a medieval-style embellished banner for the United Operative Masons of Melbourne, Victoria. The banner commemorates the 8 hour day Labor Movement, with the 3 men around the triangle symbolising 8 hours of work, 8 hours of recreation and…

This website tells you everything you need to know about the Balingup Medieval Carnivale for 2012. The event lasts from the 25th to 26th of August and is held in the beautiful town of Balingup in Western Australia's South-West.
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