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Hobart Gazette Van Dieman's Land Advertiser 1825 Poem.pdf
A poem featured in The Hobart Town Gazette and Van Diemen's Land Advertiser, which conforms to lyrical and bardic poetic traditions. It has medieval and classical undertones in both style and language.

This entertainment piece from The West Australian’s online edition reviews the BBC series Merlin (2008). At the time the article was written in 2010, the second season of the series was being aired on Australian television by Channel 10. The…

This work by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, arenowned nineteenth-century painter and member of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, depicts a young woman in a voluminous medieval-looking gown raising a golden cup decorated with a heart shaped design to her lips.…

Image of the sculpture Ascalon in front of St George’s Cathedral, Perth. The work was created by Marcus Canning and Christian de Vietri and unveiled in 2011. Ascalon is the name of the lance used by St George to slay the dragon in many…

Romance (15 Aug 1885), p. 22.jpg
The long-vanished past is briefly reconfigured in this sad and poignant poem. It allows us a fleeting glimpse of what has (or may have) been, even though we find ourselves standing in the waking world “Under blue skies in a fair land.”…

Hyperlink to a photograph of two Sydney university students participating in the “Commem Day” street parade in 1937, taken by renowned Australian photographer Sam Hood. The two students in the photograph appear on horseback and in…

Hyperlink to a photograph of a Sydney university student participating in the “Commem Day” street parade in 1937, taken by renowned Australian photographer Sam Hood. The student in the photograph appears on horseback and dressed as a…

As It Is In The Days of Now (12 March, 1908), p. 39.jpg
This poem, which is best described as “an anti-nostalgic demystification of chivalric heroism” (Louise D’Arcens, Old Songs in the Timeless Land: Medievalism in Australian Literature 1840-1910, Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, p.143), draws…
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