Browse Items (12 total)

Knights Order of Lion Rampant is a living history group based in the Brisbane suburb of Lutwyche. The group were founded in 1991 and focus on the culture of chivalry, especially that surrounding tournaments, that existed in western and central Europe…

Korffs Haven Medieval Guild are a re-enactment group based in Coffs Harbour, or Korffs Haven, in New South Wales. The group concentrate on the period 1066-1166 and such peoples as Anglo-Saxons, Anglo-Normans, Crusaders, Highlanders (of Scotland), and…

An advertisement for a replica medieval eating spoon distributed by ‘Mainly Medieval’, an online re-enactor supplies company based in New South Wales. The spoon is made from food grade pewter. It is described by the catalogue as…

Christmas Pudding Medieval Origins_West Australian_21 Dec 1935_p7.pdf
In this newspaper article, the author traces the origin of Christmas pudding to the popular medieval dish of “plum porridge”, a savoury dish combining mixed meats, fruits and spices. It suggests that this traditional medieval dish was…
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