Browse Items (105 total)

Wood Engraving by Frederick Grosse (1866) depicting the 1866 procession which started at the Trades Hall, Carlton and finished at the North Botanical Gardens, celebrating the 10th anniversary of the eight hours movement.

Level 2 undergraduate unit ‘Shakespeare’ coordinated by Peter Eckersall at the University of Melbourne. In part the unit investigates film and television adaptations of Shakespeare’s plays, and two plays set in the medieval period…

White Knight (17 Nov 1894), p. 14.jpg
In this cartoon from The Bulletin in 1894 a serious-faced Edmund Fitzgibbon, fully-armoured and seated astride a caparisoned Kangaroo instead of a steed, charges off to give battle to an unnamed adversary. On a handy perch (a sign pointing to India),…

Detail FitzGibbon  - 'Melbourniana' (23 Feb 1895), p. 12.jpg
This is another cheeky comment from Bulletin cartoonist Tom Durkin, directed at the reputedly self-important chairman of the Melbourne & Metropolitan Board of Works, E. G. Fitzgibbon. In the cartoon Fitzgibbon is throwing a temper tantrum over…

This online newspaper article by Henrietta Cook appeared in The Age on March 15, 2012. It reports on an incident during the weekly Swordcraft event in Melbourne, Victoria, in which a woman was hit in the head by a rubber sword and required medical…

The Festival of Hildegard was an educational event held at the Catholic Loreto College’s Centre for Theology and Ministry at St Mary’s College in the Melbourne suburb of Parkville, Victoria. The event ran from October 19-21, 2012, closing…

An illustration of a street parade in Collins Street, Melbourne, drawn from the perspective of the Treasury Buildings. Crowds of spectators line the street to watch as a procession of horse-drawn floats and trade banners are paraded along Collins…

An illustration of painters gilding the dome of the Royal Exhibition Building in Melbourne. This task was undertaken in association with other contracted repainting and redecorating work in the lead-up to the 1888 Centennial International Exhibition.…
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