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PMRG - Temptation.jpg
Members of the Perth Medieval and Renaissance Group in medieval costume posing for photos at the PMRG Christmas Party in 2003. The Perth Medieval and Renaissance group was founded in 1981. Its membership is comprised of staff, graduates and…

Christmas Pudding Medieval Origins_West Australian_21 Dec 1935_p7.pdf
In this newspaper article, the author traces the origin of Christmas pudding to the popular medieval dish of “plum porridge”, a savoury dish combining mixed meats, fruits and spices. It suggests that this traditional medieval dish was…

This window display was in an Elizabeth Street, Sydney, window of the David Jones department store. It shows a medieval-style castle topped with a crenelated parapet being guarded by mice carrying spears and wearing helmets. A lion wearing a crown…

Spirit of Festival_The West Australian_24 December 1937_p15.pdf
This article from The West Australian traces the history of Christmas carols back to the medieval period. It dates their origin to the beginning of the thirteenth century, when Francis of Assisi taught children to dance around a model of the manger…
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